Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Friendship is precious!♣ not only in the shade,♣ but in the sunshine of life;♣ and thanks to a benevolent♣ arrangement of things,♣ the greater part of life is sunshine.♣ Of all the blossoms in life's garden,♣ friendship is the most fragrant♣ A friend is a gift where♣ worth cannot be measured♣ except by the heart♣ Be full of sympathy toward each other,♣ loving one another with tender hearts♣ and humble minds♣ Friendship is sharing openly,♣ laughing often,♣ trusting always,♣ caring deeply♣ We can pour our heart out to a friend♣ knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it,♣ keep what is worth keeping,♣ and with a breath of kindness,♣ blow the rest away♣ Thank YOU for being my friend

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